Pest alarm in AGRIVI farm management software
AGRIVI Pest Knowledge Base
For every insect pest and disease, the system will give you a list of active substances with which you can treat this pest, whether it’s chemical, organic, or biological. Every active substance can be clicked on, to reveal a list of commercial products containing this active substance.
The list of wheat pests with active substances in AGRIVI farm management software
Custom Weather Alarms in AGRIVI
AGRIVI has also a custom weather alarms feature, made for farmers who want to create their own alarms. It can be a pest alarm or even a rain or low/high temperatures alarm. To setup an alarm, you have to enter basic information such as time period, minimum and maximum temperature in the observed period, humidity, and precipitation. You can also assign that alarm to a specific crop production and field. When weather conditions overlap with the parameters you entered, the alarm will pop up to notify you.
Custom weather alarms in AGRIVI farm management software
On-time protection is the most important step in preventing yield reduction due to pests. Once the growing season begins, the best way to prevent pests is to look carefully and regularly at your crops.
Do not waste your time on walking through the fields, let the software do that tedious job for you.