Pest and disease occurrence is one of the main causes of lower than expected yield. Damages can be huge, depending on the size of surface, scope of infection, and weather conditions. Weather conditions in particular have an important role in pest and disease occurrence. Lower or higher temperatures, combined with rain and high moisture are the trigger for occurrence of many pests. AGRIVI’s intelligent pest alarms help you react on time and perform protective measures to save your crops. How do these alarms work? For every field you have, you receive a detailed weather forecast. AGRIVI uses pattern recognition algorithms to match weather forecast with optimal conditions for pest & disease occurrence. If they match, the system will send an alarm warning you about possibility of infection.
Example of a pest alarm
For every pest and disease, the system will give you a list of active substances with which you can treat this pest, whether it’s chemical, organic, or biological. Every active substance can be clicked on, to reveal a list of commercial products containing this active substance.
Pest, diseases & weeds knowledge base
AGRIVI detects pests automatically, but you can also set up your own alarms for pests and diseases, by creating weather alarms. To setup weather conditions you have to enter basic information such as: time period, minimum and maximum temperature in this time period, and other desired weather conditions. You can also assign this alarm to all of your crops and fields, or individual ones. If weather conditions match with the parameters you entered, the system will notify you immediately.
Setting up your own weather alarms
It is scientifically proven that on time protection is the most important step in preventing yield reduction due to pests. If plant protection is performed after pest occurrence, the damage is significantly higher. For example, leaf scald of barley (Rhynchosporium secalis) can reduce yield by 30-50%, brown leaf spot (Cercospora beticola) in sugar beets can reduce yield by 20-40%, and colorado potato beetle can reduce yield by 30-50%. Don’t wait for pests to destroy everything you worked so hard for. With AGRIVI make sure you have the right tool for the job when it comes to dealing with pests and diseases on time.