In organic farming in autumn can be used: NPK 7-7-7 (Bioilsa), NPK 5-10-10 (Proeco), NPK 7-0-21 (Enekappa), Gradual 25 Fe, N 12,5 (Fertil Supernova), NPK 6-5-13 (Progress micro) in amount 400-700 kg/ha, depending on plant species. For plants, strengthening is added Algovital (4 l/ha), Aminovital (3 l/ha), or Azomite minerals, for fruits 2-7 kg/tree, if tree thickness is 10-20 cm and 7-20 kg/tree, over 20 cm. For grapevine is added 100-200 g/tree.
The lack of micronutrients is replaced with foliar fertilizers like Ilsamin MMZ, Ilsamin Bor, Maxflow Zn+Mn, Lithovit, Ilsadrip Ferro, IlsaC-on. They’re used in all crops to enhance plant immunity, strength and to stimulate plant growth and development.
In organic farming fertilization encourages life in the soil, thus microorganisms have enough food, and the level of humus increases. It also has beneficial effects on physical, chemical, and biological activity in the soil. AGRIVI guides farmers with the knowledge base of fertilization management for all organically grown crops with details on when and how to perform them included.
So, provide an opportunity to build the reserve of nutrients required for plant growth for the next vegetation season. Apply best farm management practices and improve your farming.