- Destruction of perennial weeds. It’s best to use a non-selective translocation herbicide based on the active ingredients glyphosate.
- Undermining the soil. Due to utilization and use of heavier machinery and equipment, and to exclude the incorporation of organic compounds into soil, leads to faster and stronger soil compaction.
- Calcification, as we wrote in the previous blog post. Calcium is a very important biogenic macro element whose amount in the soil decreases over time. The lack is manifested by symptoms such withering away the tops of young plants, root degeneration, appearance of dark-colored leaves, buds falling off, stem weakening, or emergence of bitter spots.
In AGRIVI knowledge base all operations of soil tillage and other agricultural practices are given, as well as details about when and how to perform them. Prepare the soil well for the next culture and reduce unnecessary costs of processing, with the help of AGRIVI farm management software. Well cultivated soil after harvest provides a number of favorable soil conditions, but also opens up more opportunities to further tillage and crops cultivation. One of the important features after dusting of stubble field is sowing of second crop, what you can read in our next blog post. Ready to improve your farming? We’re making farming simple.